After the retrieval, donors are monitored for an hour before a family member or friend drives them home. The procedure is short and lasts 30 minutes or less. It requires light IV sedation to help ensure the comfort of the donor. Egg retrieval is an outpatient procedure done at our clinic. Once the follicles have matured and are ready for retrieval, an injection of hCG is given to help prepare the ovaries to release the eggs. This typically requires 4-6 visits to the clinic. Donors are monitored closely during the injections with vaginal ultrasounds to measure the follicle growth. The donor will take injectable medications to stimulate the ovaries. Once selected by families, egg donors are placed on birth control to help regulate their cycle in preparation for ovarian stimulation. If you are accepted into the egg donor program, your photos and medical profile will be added to our list of donors. Psychological Screening: The donor will be asked to speak with a psychologist to make sure they fully understand the benefits and risks of egg donation and have proper motivations for becoming a donor.

Testing consists of blood tests for genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia.

If you meet the qualifications for egg donation you will be asked to submit an application that includes detailed questions about your background, medical, family, and personal history. To get started, complete the egg donor interest form.